Speak it and you will be it.
I listened to someone talk the other day and I internally cried for her because of the amount of negative words she spoke over herself, her life, and future possibilities without even knowing it. So many of us do this. The enemy keeps telling us lies and the world keeps filling our heads with broken messages.
When I read my old FB memory posts, I feel sad for the old me who spoke such negativity and exhaustion into her life. No I didn't know that I was speaking illness, exhaustion, negativity, and defeat into my life and mind. It was just the way I talked without thought to what it was creating. I was constantly consuming the worlds broken messages, media, and the enemies lies about my self-worth and ability to be positive.
Most people don't stop to reflect on the words they use, the conversations they have, the information they consume, the friendships that feed negativity and encourage us to create negative actions/habits/etc.
God's word talks so much about how we talk, how we think, and the blessings that are possible when we cultivate faithfulness and understanding of the word of God.
If you are choosing to make changes in your life this year, start with one simple and yet powerful one--choose to change the way you talk.
Choose to stop spreading the lies that the enemy feeds you about yourself--your value, your self-worth, your future, the possibilities for all areas of your life--relationships, family, job, health, money, etc.
Choose to replace the lies with proclaiming the word of God out of your mouth. Speak life, faith, love, peace, perseverance, and blessings over yourself and others. The more you do that, the more blessings and abundance God will bring into your life.
*If you are ready to have the accountability, the strong, bold mindset, and someone to guide you to see how you are speaking and how to change it NOW is the time for Christian Success Coaching with me. Message me now and let's plan the plans of God.
Let's Pray: Dear Lord God Almighty we humbly come before You with thanks and praise. We praise You for Your Holy Word, Your loving guidance, and Your salvation mercy.
Lord please help us to see what we are speaking and how it is effecting our lives. Please lead us to start speaking life instead of the lies that the enemy feeds us. We long for the abundant life in Jesus. We long for peace and prosperity to enter into our lives.
Lord help us to read Your word, speak Your word, believe Your word, and be the word. Thank You Lord for loving us beyond measure, please imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds so that we can be renewed and transformed by Your word and Spirit every day.
Please Lord rebuke the devourer from our harvest of growth and blessings. Please cause us to walk close with You so that the lies of the enemy never reach out mind. Thank You Lord Jesus for being our Good Shepherd.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah