Grace, mercy, love, redemption, healing--all from just a simple prayer.
As I ran yesterday, I was listening to my Bible App read me one of the gospels--John. The tears sprang forth as it read the account of our Jesus being condemned--though Pilot found no fault/crime/sin in Him.
I told Jesus that I wish that He didn't experience crucifixion for my sins and I wished it could have been a different way. But that I'm so grateful beyond all joy that I am forgiven, free, and that God hears me.
Many Christian women choose to stay stuck in condemnation land--the land where the enemy repeats how awful they are/were and they allow that to be their mindset, never moving in grateful joy that spurs action to grow into the blessings God wants for them. I know because that was me.
As I talked with Jesus I told Him thank You again and that because of His love, I am free to do all that He wants for me to do as an act of thanksgiving.
Are you stuck allowing the enemy to keep the highlight reel of your mind showing you your past sin and brokenness? Then the time has come for you to move forward into newness of life, love, peace, joy, healing, and transformation--let's talk now.
God wants the women to be a mighty, bold army spreading the treasure of Christ wherever they go (Psalm 68:12)!
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, thank You for Your love mercy and salvation.
Lord Jesus we are in awe of You. We bow down and worship You now, how great and awesome are You!!
Lord please help us to get unstuck from whatever holds us back from feeling Your joy and peace that surpasses all worldly circumstances!
We know that You delight in blessing us who serve You and work to cultivate faithfulness and courage to walk out our daily life in a Christ-like manner.
Lord please lead us to the scripture that will shift our perspective and empower us to transform our mindsets, habits, words, and lives.
Help us please to shine Your light and share Your heavenly treasures in such a way that others see and glorify You.
Thank You Lord for always walking this broken world, never leaving us, never forsaking us, always forgiving us, loving us, and growing us through Your word and Spirit. Amen

*I empower women to learn how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of their value, blessings, confidence, and perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
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