Are you praying for God to prosper the work of your hands?
There are more than just a few Kingdom principals about prosperity--spiritually, financially, etc.
God's word says in Joshua 1:8 to meditate and know the word of the Lord so that all that is done will prosper. It doesn't say a miracle will fall from heaven of prosperity BUT all that is done. We can't sit on our coach watching television and expect prosperity to flow into our back accounts.
Another passage reflects this same concept: Psalm 90:17 May the favor of Adonai our God be on us, prosper for us all the work that we do — yes, prosper the work that we do.
What work do you want prospered? What work are you willing to do for the prosperity that you dream of?
Psalm 128:2 You will eat what your hands have produced; you will be happy and prosperous.
God has a path of prosperity for all of us. He goes before us opening doors that no spirit or person can shut. He brings about defeat of the enemy and extraordinary opportunities. We must follow closely after Him. We must know His word and put our hand to the plow that He wants for us.
Our God is a God of sowing and reaping. Are you sowing seeds in accordance with the fruits of The Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and in accordance with Christ's word (Luke 6:38) and God's tithing principle (Deuteronomy 28:12 & Malachi 3:10)?
Nothing needs to be done perfectly. A heart of faith and desire to come into alignment with God is all that He asks of us. God blesses the faithful. God blesses the intentions of our heart and mind.
Let's choose today to work toward the Kingdom principles that God's word tells us. Let's choose today to put our hand to the plow, without looking back, and ask God to bless the works of our hands (Luke 9:62).
*Do you want to know more about how to produce a rich harvest of prosperity in all areas of your life? Let's zoom chat and we'll talk about God's plans for you and how to put your hand to the plow God has assigned to you--link to my calendar below.
Let's pray: Dear Lord thank you for this day. Thank You that this is a day that we can rejoice and be glad in it.
Lord we bow down and worship You now how great and awesome are You! And we will sing of Your praises every day.
Lord please lead us to the scripture that will fill our hearts, minds, spirits, and homes with prosperity. We long to prosper in all respects just as our soul prospers by Your love and mercy (3 John 1:2).
Please grant us the strength, the energy, the creativity, and insight to put our hand to the plow and work for our blessings and Your Kingdom agenda. Please prosper all that work that we do, yes, please prosper the work that we do.
And lead us Lord to rebuke the lies of the enemy with the truth of Your word so that a fountain of blessings will rain down on us so large we won't have enough room to take it all in.
Thank You Jesus for Your love, mercy, and protection. Please surround us and our work with hedges of protection and rebuke the devourer away from our harvest and let not our harvest cast its fruit before harvest time (Malachi 3:11).
We thank You and praise You Lord God for the plans that You have for us. Please grow us into our promise land of blessings.
We sing praises to Your name, now and forever, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, Amen!