What feels heavy, hard, and dark in your life right now?
Have you ever thought to ask God to light up the area in your life that needs help and healing?
I spent decades feeling heavy emotional burdens that made me anxious, depressed, and stressed to the point that my physical health was always on the brink of another illness. I slept a lot. I complained a lot. I was tired all the time.
Do you wonder why your health and body and circumstances aren't what you want them to be?
What we speak has power. What we believe creates our habits. And most especially what we believe about ourselves either creates heaviness or strength and vitality to conquer the challenges of life.
Let's choose today to allow God to lighten the burdens of this world off of our shoulders by releasing the outcome of our circumstances into His hands and not trying to create the outcome we want.
Let's choose today to ask God to shine His light on the area of our mindset that needs to shift to bring healing and health into it.
Let's choose today to speak life over ourselves, our circumstances, and the people we encounter. This world needs the light of Christ and kindness so much.
*Are you ready for help in shifting your mindset, words, and actions to bring forth health, healing, joy, and vitality into your life? Message me now and learn how powerful it is to work with a Christian life coach to bring rapid healing and blessing into your life.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your loving sacrifice. We are in awe of Your power, mercy, redemption, love, forgiveness, and healing.
Lord please lead us to the healing scripture that we need for our mindset, words, and actions.
Please imprint Your holy word upon our hearts and minds and cause our mouths to speak in accordance with Your word and way.
Help us Jesus to stop the complaining and to bring forth praising and faith that allows You to move in miraculous ways like never before.
And then help us to become Your hands and feet in such a way that people see Your light shining out of us and glorify You so much that they come into an amazing salvation relationship that shifts the energy and brokenness of this world.
Thank You Lord Jesus for always being with us no matter if we are following after You with our hearts and minds or not. That in itself shows how amazing and merciful You are. Help us to remember that and to cultivate an even stronger faith and relationship with You day by day.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen!

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah