Who do you ask wise counsel from? How often do you second guess your choices?
God's word is powerful and an amazing book of life giving skills. Where does your help come from?
I used to complain, whine, and ask everyone and their mother what I should do with my life. I spent so many years off the path that God wanted for me because of my fear and insecurities in myself, in trusting God and trusting that I would hear Him--because I didn't know His word.
The more I read God's word the more I know that He wants us to ask and then do--trusting the outcome to Him.
But I hear from women often who are afraid they're not hearing Him right. They ask others to pray, others for counsel, and keep praying over and over for an answer that they know but are too afraid won't go exactly the way they want.
My friends the outcome may not be at all what you want. The outcome may look as if you failed to hear Him right. But God wants faithfulness to allow that He is more than powerful enough to order all things for your good and His Kingdom agenda.
What is His Kingdom agenda for you and for the world around you? You need just a few minutes a day in His word and in prayer--I'll drop my journaling template for you to use below and if you want the PDF version simply drop an emoji or message me.
Let's choose today to read, pray, trust, and obey. Let's choose only to seek a few people with experience in the area you seek knowledge over (remember Moses asked his father-in-law for counsel because he already knew the desert they were walking in). Let's choose today to release the outcome of our faith walk into God's hands no matter if the circumstances that come look nothing like what you want.
*Want help learning the tools of the Bible and cultivating faithful courage? Let's talk about my coaching programs for you or go sign up now: How To Believe You Are A Woman of Worth Coaching Bible Study Program starting Nov. 4 or my group coaching program. www.BurstingWithBlessings.com
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, thank You for this day, thank You for Your word, Your wise counsel, Your loving salvation that sets us free.
Lord please lead us to the scripture that we need to walk this broken world with. Please help imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds so that when we lay in bed at night Your word becomes the wise counsel we hear.
We thank You Lord that You have plans for us. We thank You that we can faithfully walk through our days with Your power and majesty by our side and in our lives.
Please Lord order all things in our life for our transformation and Your Kingdom agenda.
We sing praises to Your name, Alleluia, Alleluia, Amen.

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah
All who seek to know God more are welcome here.