What are in your hands?
For decades I tore myself down. I didn't follow after God's calling on my life, I didn't read His word, and my hands where empty of the blessings God wanted to give me.
Let's choose to fill up our hands with God's word by speaking it over our circumstances. Grab your journal this morning and write out the verse that speaks to you as an "I" statement. Example: God makes me to prosper as I put my hand to the plow He has assigned to me. I do not look back at my past actions but create actions in alignment with His will and way (combination of Psalm 1:3 and Luke 9:62).
Let's bring forth an abundance of real prosperity by putting the word of God into our hearts and minds every day--for then He will make our way to prosper and succeed and everything we put our hands to will be blessed (Psalm 1:3).
*Want to grow spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and in your career or business? Message me now. Don't leave your hands empty of the blessings God wants for you.
Let's pray: Dear Jesus, thank You for this day. Thank You that this is a day that we can give thanks and rejoice in Your love and mercy.
Please Lord forgive us our sins and lead us to the scripture that will transform our hearts and minds. We long to bring forth the blessings that You have for us.
Please help us to create time to soak up Your word, speak Your word, and work to become all that Your Holy word says.
Please fill our hearts and minds with Your wisdom and understanding. Please nourish our souls with Your truth and banish the lies of the enemy far from us.
We sing praises to Your name for leading us on our journey. Pleases help us to cultivate faithfulness, courage, and compassion to walk out our lives with love and mercy to ourselves and others.
Thank You Lord for prospering us in all respects. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen!