I'm forgetful about a lot of things. Do you have a good memory?
I often wish my brain would remember things more easily like I see in some people. But I remind myself that the human brain can't remember everything. So I work with my brain, instead of wishing it were different.
I know that I need reminders. I know that I need an electronic calendar, a paper calendar, alarms, alexa reminders, and most importantly my scripture board. (Grab my book on How To Create A Biblical Vision Board with scripture to empower you daily--link in comment below or message me.)
(Do you remember scripture easily? Share in the comments how you encourage your mind to imprint God's word into your heart and mind.)
The truth seems to get muddied so easily by this sinful, broken world. God wants us to renew our mind in the truth so that the enemy and the lies of this world can't invade and destroy our blessings.
Let's choose today to write the scripture we read on our scripture board or journal to look at each day.
Let's choose to renew our minds with God's truth every time we feel the lies of the enemy or the confusion of the world begin to invade.
Let's choose to speak out-loud God's word and bind it on our throat's and circumstances to allow the power of God to work in us, through us, and around us.
*Are you ready to link arms with me and learn how to be empowered with God's word? Message me now.
Let's pray: Dear God thank You for this day. Thank You for Your truth, Your word, Your love, and Your mercy.
Please forgive us when we forget Your word, truth, and power. Please help us to imprint Your holy word upon our hearts and minds and speak it forth into the hard, the complex, the broken, and the mundane thoughts and circumstances of life.
We thank You Lord Jesus for giving us the Holy Spirit and revelation knowledge of Your scripture. Please help us to read it, speak it, believe, and be it every single day.
Please surround us with Your protection, love, and favor. Please help us to shine Your light and truth into this broken world that needs You so desperately. We long to become the change maker, the hands and feet that You want us to be.
Thank You Lord. We sing praises to Your name that we have such easy access to Your living and active word that never returns void.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.