What goals and dreams do you want to accomplish this month, this year, during your lifetime?
Each of us has dreams put in our heart by Abba Father. He loves us and knows that a fulfilling life comes from serving in our area of joy.
Discipline has such a negative feeling to it for those of us who were not lovingly trained up into the way we should go.
But God's discipline is far different than worldly parents. His is more complex, more loving, and sometimes very hard to endure when combined with the consequences of our own poor choices over time.
God knows what would be best to allow to train us up for our promise land, for our blessings, for our spiritual growth.
Most of us, including myself, are so fixed on this present time and present delights that we forget to remember that our growth now is also blessings in the life to come.
Let's choose today to follow His leading. Let's choose today to ask God what area needs some hard reflection work--maybe some embarrassing look at worldly behavior that we would rather pretend doesn't exist. Journal it out and then work it out with the Holy Spirit. *if you are struggling or want me to walk alongside of you in your growth work then let's connect.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, thank You for this day. Thank You for lovingly disciplining us in Your way.
Help us Lord to hear Your voice and do what You tell us to. Help us Holy Spirit to acknowledge areas that need pruning and transformation.
Lord please empower us by Your Spirit to do all that You have called us to do each day. And please provide us the wisdom to know when it is Your desire for us to say Yes and when we need to be strong and say No.
Help us Lord to walk humbly, love mercy, and stand for truth and justice in this broken, hurting world. We want to be Your voice, Your hands and feet to go and shine Your light in such a way that darkness and hatred would flee.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.