Do you ever feel that God won't forgive you or forgive a certain sin?
It's interesting to me that the enemy knows how to zing us and keep us from calling out to God who is ever present with us and wants to forgive us and help us.
The whispers inside my head used to be so loud--that God was so disappointed in me (a huge lie from Satan). The never ending recording of my mistakes, embarrassments, and sins engulfed me for years. The record player of my past made me miserable, increased my mental anguish, bitterness, and sinning.
I find it interesting that when we don't feel we are fully forgiven--or we don't forgive ourselves (because let's be real God has forgiven us when we cry out to Jesus) that it increases our sinning. The dysfunction of not embracing our complete salvation and forgiveness increases our broken choices, harsh consequences, and separation from God and His holy life giving and healing word.
Let's choose today to drown out the lies, the movie reel of our past, with the truth of God's word--we are forgiven and free. We are wholly loved by THE Creator of the heavens and earth and our very soul.
Let's choose today to drown out the lies of the enemy with praise and worship for the truth is Abba Father wants us to be mighty queens that rule and reign over the works of His hands!
You are set apart! You are loved! You are called for such a time as this! You are qualified by Almighty God who commands angel armies!
You are loved with an everlasting love that surrounds you right now--Thank You Jesus for Your Sacrifice that is beyond all measure amazing!!
You are worthy of all good things! You are worthy of the dreams God has placed in your heart and mind!
*Are you ready for success strategies and to embrace all that God wants to give you? Then message me now or get a spot on my calendar link below.
Let's pray: Lord Jesus thank You for making a way for us to come confidently to the throne of grace and receive forgiveness and life.
Lord we sing praises to Your name because You have cast our sin as far as the east is to the west--never to be remembered by You. Lord please help us to cast the past so far back away from us even our minds will never churn it up again.
Please Holy Spirit lead us to the scripture that we can speak out-loud to break the spinning memories that keep us broken and stuck in toxic behavior patterns.
Please renew our mind with Your word and help us rebuke the lies of the enemy with the truth of Your word and love.
We long to walk boldly in our gifts and calling. Lord help us please to embrace our calling, to embrace Your love fully, to cast away the desire to please others and to look only at You and only what You want Lord.
We long for the blessings upon blessings that You want for us and for us to be for others. Please Jesus glue the broken pieces into a beautiful mosaic that will be a shining light for others to see and glorify You Abba Father!
Thank You Jesus! We are surrounded by Your love, Jesus! We are surrounded by Your protection, praise You Jesus!
Thank You Lord, Amen!