How much do you live each day remembering your past? How much is your past holding you back?
I just read my friend's amazing testimony of receiving the bliss and joy that comes from knowing that Jesus paid it all for her past sins, present, and future sins AND most especially that God doesn't see her as a sinner anymore.
My friend and you are beloved of God! You are precious, forgiven, and free! Free to go and be and do and mess up and get back on track and not have to be worldly perfect!
The world has a strange way of sending a message that we need to be perfect, an image of something wholly unattainable. But God's perfection is so different!
God has forgiven you! You are perfect in His eyes! And when you work with Him, He is the author and perfector of Your faith--not of the worldly way!!
We work out our faith with awe and reverence BECAUSE we are forgiven and free!
The world says Christians need to be perfect. But they don't understand what perfect is about in God's eyes.
We will always be perfectly human--prone to wander, prone to forgetting, prone to sin. BUT GOD has made you washed clean through Jesus Christ.
Perfect by His standards is without sin because You are washed clean. It's not about perfect worldly action! It's about faith in God and a heart to serve Him!
Yes we are striving every day to be more Christ like--BUT we are free to make mistakes! We are free of the shackles of sin and sadness!!
Therefor, joyfully walk out your faith knowing that any mistakes you will make, you will use to step ever closer to God!
Stop shying away from bold action because of your fear of failure, imperfection, or that people will judge you for your past or present "fails" or sins.
Walk boldly and courageously by faith with thanksgiving knowing that You are free! God no longer remembers your past sin, shame, or mistakes! So why are you?
*Ready to catapult yourself into more blessings through mindset shifting coaching that helps you move past your past and your mental blocks, emotional hang ups, and daily sabotaging habits? Message me now for a breakthrough session. It's time to get free and be blessed indeed!
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus thank You so much for this day! Thank You that we can boldly come to the throne room of grace because we are washed clean and perfected by Your sacrifice.
Lord Jesus help us to fully embrace our present circumstances of freedom to boldly walk out our calling, gifts, and dreams because we are empowered by Your Spirit and free to show up as us, as people who are learning to grow each and every day.
Help us not to dwell on our past or to allow the enemy to whisper lies about our worth, our salvation, or our ability to be a mighty warrior for Your name.
Please lead us to the scripture we need every day to solidify our worth in Your eyes and our daily spiritual growth so that we can shine our light in such a way that others see and glorify You.
Thank You Jesus for Your love and mercy. Thank You Holy Spirit for dwelling in us and marking us as Christ's own!
Please help us to cultivate faithfulness, courage, confidence, and daily actions that bless ourselves and others.
We sing praises to Your name, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen!

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah