How do we change? How do we put something away?
God instructs us to put away hatred, dishonesty, all evil.
The world tells us to hate, to lie, to seek revenge, etc.
So the war within us is real and normal--that doesn't excuse not working toward transformation and change.
It takes time to pluck out bad habits of joking about people behind their back, of slinging mud, and seeking to hurt someone in retaliation or to get what we want.
But God does not excuse me from changing just because it's hard, or just because I have failed at it more times than I can count.
God doesn't want our excuses--He wants our faithful working obedience.
I've encouraged journaling before as a means to gain insight that can give fuel your change. Without insight, action doesn't become productive.
Just as speaking the living word out-loud transforms our thoughts so does reading our own thoughts on something.
Let's take today to journal out an area that needs lasting transformation, then change the narrative--re-frame the words to be in accordance with God's will. Find scripture to speak and stand on so that lasting change will build inside you.
*Need help--let's talk Leah Mason-Virgin
Let's pray: Dear Jesus Lord Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise.
We thank You Lord Jesus that You empowers us by Your spirit to transform and change in such a way as to bring health, life, blessings to ourselves and to all those around us.
Please lead us this day to choose an area we need to work on and an attitude that we need to get rid of. Please help us to uproot or prune our behavior or thoughts so that we can be in accordance with Your word and will.
We thank You Lord Jesus that when we submit to Your transformation and change You bring about a new thing in our lives and we are seeking to be aware of it today and every day.
Thank You Lord Jesus, Amen