How is God encouraging you to move and change today?
Sometimes God uses others to speak into our lives.
I just had a beautiful meeting with a friend who is a Business Coach for those that don't yet know how or what they are bringing into the world. (thank you Valerie Zumwalt)
We were only meeting to just chat but she spoke into my life and it was a beautiful gift.
Perhaps today set up a virtual coffee chat with a Godly woman and see what God might reveal through that time.
As we walk arm in arm empowering one another it magnifies what we do for God.
You were made for the dreams God has put in your heart.
And you are qualified and worthy to walk in them, for God has made you worthy, wonderful, forgiven, free, and qualified to do all He has put in your heart to do.
*struggling to feel worthy, valuable, and qualified for what you are doing now and what you want to do in the future? I have a coaching Bible study on How To BElieve You Are A Woman Of Worth starting again on August 10 and will remain on going