Do you prepare for hard days and difficult seasons?
Most of the time we feel blind-sided when hard times hit. Not one of us knew how
difficult this year would be.
I was telling a friend that I am thankful that I have the tools, the daily
habits, and the
> Tuesday Prayer For Our Nation
prayer for our nation
Posted by Bursting With Blessings
[] on Tuesday, June 2, 2020
I am a mother screaming into the void hoping someone will listen. Hoping someone will force education on this nation and break the system of racism and white privilege that has a hold on our country.
What goals and dreams do you want to accomplish this month, this year, during
your lifetime?
Each of us has dreams put in our heart by Abba Father. He loves us and knows
that a fulfilling life comes from serving in our area of joy.
Discipline has such a negative
By Leah Mason-Virgin
Children are a precious gift. Every parent seeks to love, protect, and create
the best possible future for their children.
Our daughter is the most amazing, loving, smart, and wonderful person on the
planet. And there are people in this country who do not want to look