How is God encouraging you to move and change today?
Sometimes God uses others to speak into our lives.
I just had a beautiful meeting with a friend who is a Business Coach for those
that don't yet know how or what they are bringing into the world.
How do we change? How do we put something away?
God instructs us to put away hatred, dishonesty, all evil.
The world tells us to hate, to lie, to seek revenge, etc.
So the war within us is real and normal--that doesn't excuse not working toward
transformation and
An interesting moment in social media today:
Some know how broken my extended family is. All the people who call themselves
my parent or step-parent are in permanent time out.
Today, I happened to see that my biological father has created an account on
social media--and I immediately blocked his
Love another human as if my life depended on it!
As I read this intense verse, I found myself wondering if I have ever loved like
my life depended on it beyond my immediate family.
Loving like my life depends on it invokes intense images of sacrifice and time
How do you create space in your life to have a deep consciousness of God?
Last year my word for the year was intentional. And it showed me how
unintentional I was with my time. What an eye opener it was for me to see and
repent of the waste.