Why is the good stuff hard to do and the bad stuff easier to do?
I often have to pep talk myself into doing the good hard stuff--like running,
listening to a podcast instead of watching T.V., sticking to my routine when all
I want is to lay on
Teaching--every day we are teaching ourselves who we are.
Every day we are telling ourselves and others through our words, actions, and
reactions how valuable we are--our worth.
Whether we unintentionally or intentionally teach others, we are constantly
sending a message of how to treat others and how to be
They say our eyes are the windows to our soul.
Everything we see and experience becomes the window we look through to see
everything and every situation.
Every past hurt, every relationship, every word spoken by our parents, loved
ones, teachers, friends, enemies, becomes a pane of glass in our
Other's may have tried to pull us apart, push us down, rip away our courage, BUT
God is putting us together.
God is pouring His oil of gladness on our depressed minds, hurting hearts, and
anxious thoughts. Let's open our hearts and minds and speak healing
MOTHER'S day is coming...
I know that running out to the store right now is just not the thing we're
supposed to do.
I talked with a friend and I have a special for you!
Nontoxic candles and a beautiful journal for all the special women