What are you eating today to prepare you for the long journey ahead?
Most of us will live a long life and most of us will have some regrets over our
choices and roads we took along the way.
Our mind is nourished and trained according to what we tell
You are all these and more.
Let's tell ourselves this affirmation daily and walk in this truth.
What does is mean to endure?
When we read the whole Bible we see that God is not afraid of our human emotions
or questions.
God welcomes our questions--but He also expects that if we don't like the
answers He gives that we will continue on the path
How do you feel about walking right up to Jesus and asking for help?
Can you imagine Him standing in your room waiting for you to engage with Him?
I sometimes will try and picture where Jesus is by me. I often sense He is at my
right side--though I
Another encouraging scripture and prayer for today:
May God imprint His Holy word upon our hearts and minds (wisdom) and give us
revelation knowledge of how to understand its application for our lives. In
Jesus name, Amen