The Lord knit your soul into existence! You are wonderful, beautiful, complex, beloved, and gifted wonderful attributes, skills, dreams, goals, and gifts!
Before time began, God knew you, loved you, and ordained the days of your life, and the wonderful things that He wants you to do.
I am in awe of our God who has wonderful, marvelous things for us to do in alignment with His Kingdom agenda. For decades I threw away the calling and the gifts that He wanted to develop in me. I ran in fear from the deep desires in my heart and mind because I thought I wasn't good enough, wasn't worthy, and couldn't do those things.
I created more pain and frustration in my life because I threw away the plans of God and the desires He placed deep within me. Are you in that place right now? Where are you in the wonderful journey that God wants for you?
Let's choose today to develop our gifts and talents no matter if we embarrass ourselves in the process. Let's choose to walk by faith not fear.
Let's embrace the truth of God's word--we are enough, we are worthy, we are forgiven, we are set apart for great works that God ordained before time began:
Ephesians 2:10 (NASB)
10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
*Want guidance on your gifts and calling in the season you are in right now? Message me now and let's talk about developing your gifts and calling for the Lord and your blessings. Or grab a spot on my calendar link below.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we are in awe of You! Thank You Lord for knitting our soul together and creating in us beautiful gifts and works for Your Kingdom agenda.
Lord please forgive us for the times we try and stray away from our calling because of fear and worry over how others will judge us. Lord please help us to fix our eyes on You and rebuke trying to control how others view us or think about us and our actions.
We repent of any thoughts or actions that come from a desire to please others and not You Lord. We no longer want our actions dictated by what other humans think BUT solely on how You want us to act and be.
You are worthy of our praise and our actions to be bold and courageous to do all that You have called us to. Lord please help us to develop our skills and cultivate our faith and courage to boldly work in them each and every day!
We praise You Jesus for Your love and mercy! We praise You for Your sacrifice that makes us worthy of all good things from Your righteous right hand!
We glorify You through our praise and our actions! In Jesus name, Amen!