Bursting with Blessings

You Are Surrounded With The Full Measure Of God's Grace & Love: Devotional 1 Timothy 1:14

We have a full measure of grace flowing to us. We are surrounded by the undeserved favor, love, and grace of our Lord.

As we look toward Easter let's reflect on that amazing measure of grace and love that infuses us and surrounds us.

What will you do with this immense grace, love, and mercy that Christ has given you?

Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the undeserved grace, forgiveness, and love that You give us. We sing praises to Your name for Your great sacrifice.

We come come confidently to the throne room of grace singing praises to Your name, Hosanna in the Highest, blessed are You Lord Jesus that bring salvation, healing, restoration, and love to all those that call on Your name.

Lord please lead us to know how to share that love and grace to all those around us.

All praise and glory to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen!

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Guide To Joy In Hard Times is just what we need right now.
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