How do you imagine the seal of Christ looks?
Sometimes I love to dream about what it looks like to the spiritual realm to be marked as Christ's own child.
I know that our spirits feel and sense each other's real marking in the spirit. We know instinctively whether a person is good or makes us feel icky.
The Bible even says we give off an aroma of life in Christ (2 Corinthians 2:14).
I know that the more we sensitize our spirit to the Holy Spirit and the word, the more we shine the light of Christ and the sealing of our spirit to all those around us.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise. Jesus we love You and worship You for Your great sacrifice.
By Your sacrifice we are sealed by the Holy Spirit and given life everlasting. We praise You!
Lord please continue to imprint Your holy word upon our hearts and minds so that we shine Your light and love in such a way that others hear and see Your word and love.
Please sensitize our spirit to the leading of the Holy Spirit so that we walk in unity with You and do all that You have called us to do without fear or hesitation. We are courageous and bold in loving and going wherever You call us.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.