What fruit of the spirit are working on?
I love the transformation that can come from the love of Jesus working in our hearts and minds. I know that it takes time and effort to submit to His transformation and change.
And I know that the work will never come to perfect completion because of my humanness. But that doesn't mean that I need to give up or feel overwhelmed with trying to have change quickly and in a perfect sequence never to need further effort.
We can come alongside of each other and encourage one another in our daily efforts, in grace, and in the longterm journey of it.
We don't need to be frustrated with mistakes or perceived failures. Your never a failure until you give up and become complacent toward any change.
With perseverance comes the harvest. With grace comes the ability to sustain the growth journey. With encouragement comes happiness to work toward all that God wants for us and all that is waiting on the other side of mature growth.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus we praise Your Holy name. We thank You for this day.
We praise You Lord that Your mercies are new every morning. We praise You that lasting change and mature growth comes from Your guidance and Your Holy word.
Lord Jesus please give us a desire to grow and change. Please give us the ability to know when we need to give ourselves grace and when we are becoming complacent to the work.
Lord we love You and long for the blessings that come from the fruits of the Spirit. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.