Bursting with Blessings

Winter Session Starts Nov. 4th

A story of TWO women--one shackled by insecurities 💔 and broken mindsets.

ONE who learned the TRUTH and the tools needed for creating a life worth living well! The truth WILL set YOU free 👏

One didn't think change was possible. She stayed anxious, broken, depressed, and bound to walking the same locked path 🔒

One found the tools in God's word and started creating something never before imagined--a life free of crippling anxious thoughts, a life filled with hope, a life made to live in joy. 😍😍

Wanna close off this DECADE with tools and transformation like never before?

Can't believe or don't want to believe it's possible? Are you STUCK? Tired off the SAME roller coaster of thoughts and actions that seem to beat you down?

ARE YOU READY??? I AM I AM...and if you are too, go here immediately ==>> https://burstingwithblessings.com/membership-courses/

Join me for the winter session of The Transformation & Change Coaching Bible Course. 6 weeks of tools and personalized coaching in a supportive group atmosphere. Creating something amazing through God's tools is possible!

#TransformationAndChange #Courses #BrokenPlaces to #PositiveChanges #Coaching #ChristianCoaching #SelfHelp comes through #Jesus #SpeakItBelieveItBeIt #ChangeIsPossible #LifeTransformation #Growth #GodsPlan #ChristianLiving #ChristFollower #Bible #Christianity #ChristianMom #PersonalDevelopment #ChristianMom #BurstingWithBlessings

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About Leah
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