What reels are you creating or have created lately? What words are you speaking about yourself, your business, your children, your family, friends, and upcoming holiday celebrations?
Over the last few weeks I've been even more aware of what I am speaking, thinking, feeling, believing, becoming, doing, and REAPING. And it's opened my eyes even more to changes I need to make in me, my words, my actions, my future. And I am seeing a great need for this in others too. So much of what others are creating through their words, reels, posts, videos, etc. are tearing themselves down and bringing future hardship.
I've seen women speaking curses over their children, homes, family events, clients, etc.--all without being aware of it at all! Or even having an intention of speaking death--and yet the damage remains.
I've seen women experience things that they feared for so long--and now are shocked that it's happened into their lives. They don't even realize that what they feared and spoke about has come about BECAUSE of their fear and spoken proclamations!
My friends, everything you and I say and do has more power than we are aware. The "funny" reel that is so popular right now that criticizes your children, or business, or self is an energy that is moving out into the world to create that which you have spoken.
While some of you might think it's all woo nonsense, your gut is telling you it's true. We are spiritual beings with a brain that listens to create exactly what you say it should--even if you are "just joking." And we know that we battle spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12).
Job 3:25 NIV
25 What I feared has come upon me;
what I dreaded has happened to me.
Genesis 11:6
The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
Proverbs 18:21 CJB
The tongue has power over life and death; those who indulge it must eat its fruit.
God instructs us to speak life, to think on things that are lovely, right, pure (Philippians 4:8), and to proclaim blessings and praise instead of pronouncing a curse. (Read more about professing a curse in Numbers 23.)
What blessings or curses are you proclaiming into your life, business, finances, circumstances, children, holiday, and so on?
Let's choose to watch our words with hyperawareness. (Psalm 141:3 NIV Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.)
Let's choose to rebuke curses aka "jokes" that others say over us or our children, health, marriage, finances, etc.
Let's choose to cut out complaining and increase proclaiming God's word! (Proclaim Jer. 29:11 ~ God knows the plans He has in mind for me, says Adonai, plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that I can have hope and a future. Psalm 32:8 ~ God instructs and teaches me in the way that I am to go; He gives me counsel; His eyes are watching me. 1 Corinthians 14 ~ I abide in these three--faith, hope, and love. Psalm 17:8 ~ God keeps me as the apple of His eye; and hides me in the shadow of His wings. Psalm 122:7 ~ Peace is within my home, and prosperity is within my bank accounts. *These are just a few of the proclamations I choose to think on and speak out-loud over myself and my future.)
Let's choose to gently educate our children, spouse, friends that what is said is what will happen and to speak life instead of death--Psalm 68:11 NASB
11 The Lord gives the [a]command;
The women who proclaim good news are a great army
Let's choose to shine the light of Christ, to be the aroma of life (2 Corinthians 2:14). Let's sound different and be different than anything else that is being peddled out on the internet, group chats, happy hours, etc.
Let's bring forth joy and support instead of complaining and draining along with every other complainer around us! Let's turn the tide of this world! For you and I are a mighty army for the Lord with the good news!
*Ready for coaching that radically improves your life, marriage, business, relationships, focus, empowerment, etc.? Message me and let's talk about transforming your 2022 into a hundred-fold harvest of blessings.
Let's pray: Dear God, thank You for this day. Thank You for this season of remembering that You made a way for us to be in a deep, dynamic relationship with You.
We are in awe of Your love for us, Jesus! We are in awe of Your ways which are higher and more complex than our ways. That You value things so much more differently than the worldly way, help us think on that.
Jesus, please help us to dig into Your word every morning with awe, delight, wonder, reverence, joy, and a deep desire to transform our thoughts through it's power and truth.
Please imprint Your holy word upon our hearts and minds and help our minds to meditate on it, our mouths to speak, and our actions to reveal it.
We thank You for the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, guiding us, and helping us to transform our every day language into words that edify, uplift, encourage, and bless. Please Jesus protect us from the lies of the enemy by helping us to rebuke them with Your word.
Your word never returns void. Your word is life. Your word is truth, power, salvation, and a healing balm we so desperately need because of our sin and the sins committed against us by this broken world and the broken people in it.
Please forgive us our sins, known and unknown, things done and said that goes against Your will and way. Please nullify every curse spoken. Please break every chain and every curse that holds us back. Please help us rebuke every misspoken word and help us to bring every thought and spoken word into alignment with Your word, will, and way, Lord Jesus.
We sing praises to Your name! Help us be Your mighty army proclaiming Your truth!
Thank You, Jesus, Amen!