What did you expect life to be like?
This verse can be hard hitting but let's think on it from another angel. God often says in The Word, He wants to bless us, that He delights in our prosperity, that He is the one that prospers the work that we do.
I think in American culture we're so afraid to lose what little "prosperity" that we have while searching for more--that we don't trust that God can give us in abundance, running over (Luke 6:38), vats full of new wine/wealth (Joel 2:24) on the life plan that He has for us.
What if we released what we expected and wanted our life to look like (lose that image/desire) and embraced the life that Christ wants for us?
Where He calls we will be prospered—it may not look like this world's prosperity but it will feel far more wonderful than we could ever hope or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
Let's pray: Lord God Almighty, thank You that You have a plan for each of us. Thank You that You delight to give us life to the fullest. Thank You Jesus for making a way for us to have salvation and restoration.
Lord Jesus we long for the life You want for us. But, the trappings of the life that we imagined is hard to give up in the face of the unknown. Lord, we know that when we are in Your perfect will that peace and joy abound beyond all worldly understanding. Help us Lord to give up the imagined and embrace Your will and way for our lives.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen