John 4:23 NASB
23 But [a]a time is coming, and [b]even now has arrived, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be [c]His worshipers.
What does it mean to worship God in spirit and truth?
As I was running Sunday morning before church, my Bible app was playing John chapter 4. In this chapter the woman at the well encounters Jesus.
A few things struck me. One, that this Samaritan woman who met Jesus in the heat of the day chose to speak the truth to Him. She already knew He was a Jew and Jews did not have "dealings with Samaritan's".
Yet here was Jesus speaking with her and asking her to talk with him truthfully.
What was it about His mighty presence/energy that encouraged her to speak the truth to Him? She admitted that she didn't have a husband (another thing that a woman wouldn't really want to admit to in those times especially someone she's been culturally indoctrinated not to trust.)
Two, after speaking the truth, Jesus continues to draw her in. He encourages her that she can worship God right where she is--not on a mountain or in Jerusalem, even though her sins were many, but right there (John 4:21).
Three, was it the real and raw of speaking the truth to Jesus that had her open to the transformative connection that only Jesus Christ can give?
Jesus said, "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
Jesus often spoke of the truth in His encounters. Throughout the Bible we know that God alone knows the inner thoughts of each person. Nothing is hidden from God. God already knows the truth. We're the ones who often hide from the truth.
Right now truth is under attack more than I've ever seen in my short 46 years on this planet. And nothing heals and sets free like knowing the truth, revealing the truth, and standing for truth and justice.
Every movie and book is a story about hidden information and truth--just think of The Bourne Identity as the main character states at the end of the movie: "knowing the truth changes everything." And movies where the love of one character is hidden/not revealed until the climax of the movie where the two love interests finally reveal the truth and are able to become a couple.
When we reveal the truth to ourselves about our habits and thoughts we can choose what we want to do with that information. I often say that insight/truth is empowerment.
Without truth we aren't empowered to make better choices. Without truth we stumble around in the dark not knowing how to create a better life.
Right now our world is full of people calling lies the truth. We have media/doctors promising children joy and happiness if they "just" change their bodies and hormones. People telling women that babies in the womb aren't humans worthy of protection and provision. Media saying child/human trafficking doesn't exist. Men stating they are women and vice versa.
God always calls out for the truth. And the truth is often hard to face. But when we face the truth about ourselves, our circumstances, our place in the world than all things can be forgiven, redeemed, made better, changed, grown, healed, and built into what God knows will truly bring us and the world joy and happiness.
God wants us empowered by the truth. We need truth so that we can make the right choices and build a life worth living.
When we come to God, who already knows our truth, He wants us acknowledging the truth to ourselves and to Him--repentance sets us free!
Let's choose today to sit and acknowledge any truths about our actions, reactions, and choices that Holy Spirit is prompting us to "see".
Let's choose to speak the truth, ask for forgiveness if needed, and to praise God in spirit and truth.
Let's choose to not allow the lies of this world to stand. Let's speak out about the truth day by day not allowing the tide of evil to lie, steal, and destroy what matters most--God's truth!
Let's pray: Dear God thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love, mercy, and truth.
We know Lord that Your divine law and truth is what sets this world in motion and we know the lies of the enemy are what tear it down from Your perfect plan.
Please Lord help us to discern the truth in all respects. Please grant us the courage to face the truth about ourselves, our habits, choices, and thoughts. We want to know the truth and we want to think and act in accordance with Your truth, will, and way.
As we worship You this morning, help us to acknowledge our sins, ask for forgiveness, and to change our ways so that we come closer and closer in spirit and truth to the way You want us to be.
Thank You, Jesus, that we can worship anywhere at anytime. We praise Your Holy name, for making a way for us to come out of the dark and into Your marvelous light, truth, and salvation.
Please heal us, empower us, and change us day by day. We humbly submit ourselves for Your refining truth and empowerment.
We pray for revival throughout this world. We pray that You would grant us courage and strength to be boldly truthful in a world that is trying to embrace lies.
Please uplift and protect all those that stand for Your truth and justice and help us to be a part of the solution and help to those in desperate need of Your truth and salvation.
Thank You Jesus for being our Good Shepherd who watches over us. Please rebuke the devourer far away from us and protect us in all respects as You imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds.
We sing praises to Your name, now and forever, Amen and Amen.

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(Have you created a scripture board--a vision to work toward? Here's the link to my book on how to create it and use it every morning.
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