Bursting with Blessings

Wednesday Devotional: How To Push Worry Out

What are you eating today?

God's word eaten and fed to our soul will push out the worry and confusion that comes our way in this broken world.

Looking forward to sharing a Bible Study and prayer time on this page this afternoon.

Let's eat and share this life together. 🍽🗣❤

If you are seeking a deep dive this September 9th we will have a closed page for our Transformation and Change Coaching Bible Course. Sign up and join me and others in creating the abundant joyful life through the word. Sign up at www.BurstingWithBlessings.com/membership-courses/

#Devotional #BibleStudy #Coaching #Growth #Jesus #Bible #Faith #ChristianCoach #ChristianMentor #ChristFollower #Christ #God #TransformationAndChange #Prayer #MindsetShift #Mornings #DailyRoutine #DailyChange #VerseOfTheDay #Meditate #BurstingWithBlessings #Worship #Worthy #Affirmations #Proclamations #TakeThoughtsCapitive #SpiritualAwakening

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