I need reminders. I have a day planner, a digital calendar, an alexa, children :-) and more.
The human mind is forgetful. I'm back in Exodus, I like to read through the Bible from cover to cover for my personal morning time with God. It never ceases to amaze me that the Israelites watched such amazing miracles and literally saw God (Exodus 25:10) and yet turned away from Him and sinned so many times. Should we be shocked that we are prone to sin and wander from God?
That's why we need a daily shower in His word and a daily reminder to our minds of all His wonderful deeds and blessings in our lives.
Do you journal and write what you are blessed with and how grateful you are?
Let's choose today to write 5 things in our day planner or journal that we are grateful for and that the hand of our awesome God has provided.
Let's choose to daily remind ourselves and others of His awesome deeds and His glorious salvation that makes us worthy, wonderful, called, and qualified for all that He has planned for us.
*Are you ready for a godly mindset that heals relationships, transforms lives, and brings forth even more blessings than you thought possible? Message me now or grab a spot on my calendar link below and learn how amazing coaching will be for you and your life. A legacy of blessings is waiting for you to create them.
Let's pray: Father God, thank You for Your love and mercy! We sing holy, holy, holy are You!
How blessed are we who can come before the throne room of grace and receive blessings upon blessings from Your righteous right hand.
Lord Jesus please shift our mindset and bring to mind all that we gain by walking, talking, and being like You and with You.
Lord we submit ourselves for Your transformation and change. Please Lord help us to soak up Your word, remember Your blessings, and tell about all Your wonderful deeds to ourselves and to all those around us.
We are grateful for Your mercy and love this day and every day.
Alleluia, alleluia, we give thanks to You Lord, Amen!