“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8ESV
What stands out to you in these verses?
Today the Holy Spirit focused my mind on "not anxious in the year of drought". All I can think of is: WOW, what a faith-filled person that is to not worry or be anxious for an ENTIRE year of drought.
#RealAndRaw, I'm not yet there. I will persevere in all circumstances. I will continue to rebuke worry, anxiety, doubt, and fear by speaking the word of God out-loud. But to get a mind and spirit that does not worry for a long period of time--well I'm working on that.
And this faith-filled person did not stop bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God in the midst of the drought!
What I know that you and I CAN do even if we must battle back the worry and fear with the truth of God's word IS bear fruit in the midst of all circumstances. In the middle of the trails, the challenges, the pain, the heartache, the unknowns, WE can bear fruit.
We can show the world the great hope and faith we have in Jesus Christ. We can walk through the drought treating others with respect, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control, and Christ-like love. So much so that others see our behavior under great hardship and wonder at how we persevere with joy, peace, and faith. (Matthew 5:16)
Let's choose today to think about how we are talking to ourselves and all those around us. Let's choose to speak with kind courage and walk out our faith with patience, love, and mercy.
Let's choose to always bear fruit no matter the circumstances we are in or will be in!
*Are you ready to transform your thoughts and words to be in alignment with God's word? Are you ready to treat yourself and others in such a way that brings forth an abundance of blessings? Let's process your past in the light of God's word and then create habits that will transform your life from stressed to blessed in every way. Message me now or grab a spot on my calendar link below.
Let's pray: Dear Jesus, thank You for this Sunday! Thank You for a day to rejoice and praise Your Holy name.
Lord we are in awe of Your sacrifice that heals and saves. Lord we know that You can work all things for our good and Your Kingdom agenda.
Lord please keep us planted in Your word and Your Holy Spirit. We long to bear fruit in keeping with Your word and will no matter the circumstances that surround us.
Please lead us to cultivate an unshakable faithfulness that never needs to be anxious because the outcomes of all things are in Your hands when we walk by faith and not by sight.
We thank You Holy Spirit for showing us what we need to meditate on in scripture and how to apply it to our lives. Please infuse us with a determined spirit to always learn and grow in God's word.
Please Lord surround us with Your favor and protection and bring forth an overflow of strength and courage to walk out our calling day by day.
We sing praises to Your name, now and forever, Amen!