Let's pray: I will sing to the Lord, for He is worthy of all praise!
Who is like You, Lord?
You formed my soul, You ascribed a path for me. You led me with Your righteous right hand. You redeemed my soul and mind from the brokenness and sin that was drowning me.
In Your lovingkindness, You lift my head, You call me worthy and beloved--O Lord, how can it be?
My sin and shame were shackles that bound my feet and closed my eyes to the blessings that You wanted for me.
Lord in Your loving mercy and word continue to break the chains and bless my eyes to see and do all that You have for me.
In Jesus name, Amen!
Today's prayer is inspired by my birthday. Today is the day I was born over 4 decades ago.
I never imagined God would heal and transform me in the many ways He has. I never imagined that I would come to a place of willingness to do all that He has and is putting on my heart.
I am not worthy of the gifts and calling He continues to place on me. How wonderous and amazing is His love for each of us. How amazing is His forgiveness, mercy, love, and healing!
If you don't feel worthy not matter the why or the area that you don't feel worthy about know that God sees you as worthy, wonderful, beloved, forgiven, and free. Embrace all that He is putting on your heart and mind.
His word says He will be with our mouth and teach us what we are to say (Exodus). He heals and redeems those that: give earnest heed to the voice of God, do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes (Exodus 15:26).
Let's choose today to spend 5 minutes praising Him, 5 minutes reading His word and learning what is good in His sight, and 5 minutes listening to what He wants to say.
May God richly bless your Sunday with Him. In Jesus name, Amen.
*Are you ready for healing transformation and success in all you dream of? Then message me know for a breakthrough session or get on my calendar--link below.