What attitudes and attributes do you think make for a good Christ-follower?
I use to have this skewed view of a docile, never angry woman who was constantly working with a smile. I think the enemy uses perfection to shackle us, make us feel discouraged and give up the goal of growing in Christ-like behavior.
The more I read the Bible the more I see the complexity of human emotion play out. Our Lord Jesus who is our goal responded in various ways--with anger, with love, with tough love, with pointed frustration at the synagogue leaders who refused to open their mind and see the truth.
Paul would choose sometimes to advocate for himself with great emotion and other times yielded to the situation. He warred with his worldly desires and was constantly striving for the right response to the myriad of circumstances that came his way.
I want to encourage each of us not to get overwhelmed with moments where we don't respond quite like we think the Lord would want. Let's journal our thoughts and really ask the Holy Spirit to guide us to know what is the Godly response. And then let's cultivate that behavior allowing for stumbling and embracing the growing pains.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God thank You for this day. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit which lives in us, guiding our minds daily.
Lord please help sensitize us to know what behaviors are appropriate and when. We know that this world is complex, broken, and hurting. Help us Lord to know when to show compassion, when to show tough love to call out sin and injustice, and when to embrace patient waiting on You to change the circumstances and hearts of those interact with.
Lord Jesus please grow our knowledge of Your holy word so that we can teach others through our words and actions. We want to shine Your light and love to help bring all those who seek into a radical loving salvation relationship with You.
We sing praises to Your name, now and forever, Amen.

Woman Of Worth Video Bible Study
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