Bursting with Blessings

How To Stop Pondering The Past

Verses of the day: Isaiah 43:18-19 How much does your mind fixate on your past?How much does your mind rehash every wrong you've done?I lived day and night for so many years with the constant stream of thoughts about all I had done wrong.Yes, I knew I was forgiven and free in Christ Jesus, but I did not actively work with the Holy Spirit to stop the constant stream of thoughts that I was not worthy or good enough.
The word of God says to take captive our thoughts--easier said than done I know. But intention filling of our mind with God's word as well as immediately stopping the thought and speaking God's truth over it will build the right mindset and focus..
God wants to do something new and incredible in our lives--but it does take intentional action
God wants us to be aware of what He is creating in us--but it takes intentional action to stop pondering the past and start pondering God's word. As well as intentionally spending time in prayer.
If we are to see the roadway in the wilderness we must look forward at Christ not to the past

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