This week I shared how much God wants us to turn our feet toward His Kingdom principles--see yesterday's daily devotional and Thursday's live video.
I shared my massive transformation of my brokenness when I actively chose to turn my feet aka my mind, mouth, words, actions, and habits towards God's will and way.
And I shared my heart in the live video on Thursday about how each of us has a unique journey that we shouldn't feel ashamed of as we grow in our own transformation journey.
No matter where you used to be, where you are now, or where you will be tomorrow--God loves the you of yesterday, the you of today, and the you of all the tomorrows!
Never stop growing no matter what anyone thinks or does to you!
Never stop turning your feet toward what God is calling you to do!
Never grow weary in doing better and better for yourself and God's Kingdom agenda!
*Ready to grow and transform your daily thoughts and habits to bring an abundance of blessings into your life? Message me now or grab a slot on my calendar link below.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Your word is truth and life, power, and protections from the enemy.
Lord we long to change and grow ever closer to You and Your will for our lives.
Lord please forgive us when we grow complacent and weary of trying to do new and better habits for ourselves. Please spur us on to do more than just stay stagnant. Please help us to dig into Your word and grow in power, love and truth!
Please Lord rebuke the enemy from the harvest of spiritual growth that we are working on right now.
Please protect us and guide us to bring forth an alignment of our emotions with Your truth so that we produce the actions of real change, love, mercy, and justice for ourselves and all those around us.
We thank You Lord God for all that You are doing through this time to bring us into a deeper more amazing relationship with You that will bring about lasting blessings to ourselves and this world. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.