Dear Mr. President,
I am a white mother of a beautiful, smart, amazing, precious black child.
She knows what racism is. She has experienced racism and prejudice since she was a toddler.
We as a family know what racism is because we have watched it happen to our daughter.
We know what white privilege is because of the prejudiced treatment our daughter has received that would have never happened to our white sons.
I am writing to beg you to please tweet about white privilege for 30 days straight and then every week for the next year.
I am writing to beg you to please call for systemic education of our law enforcement and our government officials on the dehumanization of black men, women, and children.
I am a mother scared for her daughter's future because white people refuse to admit that black Americans are constantly under undeserved scrutiny and marginalization.
Please Mr. President, I will send you a list of tweets that you can use. I will ask every mother of a black child to contribute to those tweets.
The uprising in the cities will stop when the government shows tangible proof that they will put real actionable help and education in place.
Please help me and every mother of a black child to worry less and feel more hope.
Thank you,
Leah Mason-Virgin

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