The Lord spoke and the universe burst into existence!
What a wonderful thought to dwell on, that our God is The Creator of the heavens, the earth, and all that the universe contains, including each of us.
Just thinking on this brings a sense of wonder, awe, and reverence for our God who is powerful beyond all measure, yet wants to have an intimate relationship with me and you.
The power of God speaking is so majestic and wonderful shouldn't we want to listen, to hear, and to act in accordance with His word and will?
2020 is coming to an end. 2021 is soon to begin, do you want to create a life of blessings from listening to God?
Choose this week to sensitize your mind, heart, and spirit to God's voice:
- Read God's word so you know what whispers in your mind align with it. One thing is true--if it doesn't line up with how God says to do things in His word then that thought is not from God.
- Spend 5 minutes after your morning prayer and Bible time to just sit and listen. Write out what you think is from God and pray on it.
- Pray for clarity on the plans, words, and vision from the Lord. Write out next to each thing what scares you the words "BOLD COURAGE" because that is what you will need to cultivate through prayer, praise, and God's word to make it happen. The most wonderful blessings come from walking with bold courage using the word of God to conquer the vision/plan/goal/habit. Don't let fear steal your blessings. Fear is from the enemy so make sure you are rebuking the devourer in the name of Jesus Christ so you don't miss out on the tremendous blessings of bold faith.
- Rebuke the fear of the unknown outcomes--often when God gives us a habit or action to start we hold back because we don't know what will happen or if it will be "just like we imagined it." Don't allow fear to hold you back from big dreams, goals, and visions. Big dreams/plans/visions/habits is most often from God because it requires faith--God blesses those that walk by faith releasing the outcome into His hands.
- Ensure that every area of your life is prayed on and planned on. God blesses those in alignment with His Kingdom principles--are you taking care of your mind, body, spirit, finances, family, career, etc. Our God is a wholistic God and He never wants us ignoring a key part of life.
- Find scripture to proclaim over each goal, vision, and plan. The sword of the spirit is the word of God. God's word is power and never returns void so why wouldn't we use it each day.
- Take your plans and break them down into monthly, weekly, daily goals, habits, etc. And then find the help you need to understand how to implement them each day.
If you need more help feel free to contact me or grab a copy of my Biblical Vision Board Book and scriptures by messaging me now.
It's time to bring forth an abundance of spiritual growth and blessings in 2021. I'll have a workshop on Saturday in my private Facebook group on this topic. Come join in at:
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, make of heaven and earth, we humbly and boldly come to the throne room of grace with awe, wonder, praise, and great thanksgiving.
Lord we are beyond blessed by Your love and majestic power that formed our spirits. Thank You Lord for loving us beyond measure and forgiving our sins so that we can be free and blessed indeed.
Jesus please forgive us our sins, known and unknown, things done and left undone, and so uphold us by Your Spirit and empower us to break sinful thoughts and habits.
Lord please help sensitize our minds, hearts, and spirits to hear Your voice. There is no greater thing than to hear You, know You, and to plan with You.
Please Lord God help us to plan with You. Please help us to create a vision, goals, dreams, and daily habits that are in absolute alignment with what you want for us to do, to become, to grow in.
Jesus You are our Good Shepherd, please, rebuke the devourer away from our blessings, our path, our goals, our growth. Please put mighty hedges of protection around us so that we can hear God's voice and obey it without hesitation and without allowing fear to rob us of God's plan and blessings for our life.
Thank You so much Abba Father for loving us beyond measure and allowing us to be apart of Your Kingdom agenda which blesses us and allows us to bless others, leaving a legacy of blessings to future generations.
We bow down and worship with great reverence. We are Your servants please help us to do Your will with bold courage from Your Spirit and word.
Thank You Lord God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit. Amen and Amen!

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah