Do you want God to treat you according to His word?
In yesterday's daily devotional we looked at turning our feet towards God's will--to hurry to obey Him and come into alignment with His will and way. And I went live in the Facebook Community to discuss it further--you can see the video replay on my YouTube channel here.
I spent decades running from what God told me to do at the age of 18. I spent decades shackled by fear, worry, anxiety, depression, anger, bitterness, complaining, selfishness, procrastination, whining, the list could go on and on.
I hated the consequences of my behavior and choices. The circumstances I was living were hard and yet I complained that change was too hard--oh the irony!
Do you think change is hard? I challenge that the consequences of your and my choices that are not in keeping with God's word are truly hard, devastating, and more painful than anything that happens when we choose God's way.
It took God allowing the flood of my home to truly get me onto the path He asked of me decades before. What affliction will you go through to finally start keeping all of God's word and will for your life?
Let's choose today to discern God's will through His word. Let's choose to hurry to keep His commandments and speak them over ourselves so that we are treated in accordance with God's word--for He prospers those planted in His word (Psalm 25).
*Link arms with me and I will help you onto the path of blessings through God's word and strategies for life. Message me now or grab a spot on my calendar, link below.
Let's prayer: Dear God, we thank You for this day. We thank You for Your love. We praise You for forgiveness and mercy.
Lord please forgive us our sins that we know, the ones we don't know, and the ones we have created through choosing not to follow Your will and way.
Lord please open our eyes to see what consequences we are living that are by our own making. Please show us where we are creating pain and disorder in our lives instead of peace and prosperity.
We know Your word is a lamp that lights the path we need to walk. Please light up our reading time with the word we need to know, speak, do, and be for Your Kingdom agenda and our blessings.
We thank You that You often don't deal with us in the manner that we deserve. Please ease our daily burden and help us to hurry and do all that You want us to do in accordance with Your will and Kingdom principles.
Thank You Jesus for calling us beloved and free. Please continue to infuse us with perseverance, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, self-control, and self-discipline to walk out our lives in a Christ-like manner each day.
Thank You Lord Jesus, Amen!