Bursting with Blessings

Proclamation For Our Future

Let's proclaim the word of God over ourselves and our week.
Sometimes discouragement can creep in. I rely on God's word to tell me who I am and how to triumph over my emotions.

Do you do affirmations or proclamations?

I think proclaiming God's word actively and out-loud does wonders for my emotions and my mindset.

What area do you need a proclamation in? I'm happy to help you create one from the word.

#Proclamations #Affirmations #TransformationAndChange #RenewingMyMindDaily #AbideInHim #DiggingIntoTheWord #ChristAlone #Prayer #ChristFollower #Christ #God #ChristianMusic #ChristianCoach #ChristianMentor #Blessed #DailyRoutine #DailyChange #MindsetShift #Bible #DoIntoFeeling #Stamina #Scripture #Emotions don't rule me

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