Bursting with Blessings

Prayer: In Christ We Can Triumph Over All Mindsets and Chains That Hold Us Back

Posted by Leah Mason-Virgin Burstingwithblessings.com on Thursday, January 31, 2019

Today's verse: 2nd Corinthians 2:14 God wants us to triumph over all areas that hold us down. God wants to bless us with spiritual growth and transformation if we consent to it. Transformation can be daunting but the Lord will bear us through it. Come over and pray with me at www.BurstingWithBlessings.comAnd DM me about the amazing tools that dramatically improve transformation and change with success through Mom Mastery University coaching tools from Hannah Keeley.I'm here to mentor you and myself to victory over all areas of strife, stress, and concern. Because Christ wants us to live the abundantly blessed life. He wants us to have joy and freedom and peace that surpasses all worldly understanding.
And I'm proof that chains can be broken, fear rebuked, anxiety and depression vanquished!!
My life and my testimony is proof that anyone can change and grow with the right Biblical tools and the Holy Spirit
#CoachAndMentor = #AbundantLife

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