Bursting with Blessings

Community Support And More

DID you know that there is a closed private group you can join to get more things like affirmations, journal prompts, and community support? Come join us: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2103073383276195/ [https://www.facebook.com/groups/2103073383276195/?fref=mentions&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCK10P8vvmGwH2yCqOVFxlgXfUSxHM3DL6n-w2NBKVGI-zNuYg_YOP3ODaJt0DEEPB59ns0n_wBE6JqUM0MFtU02T4Wehfpuo8gMp4nUjqax8ZyDKDGlB9T15Mxd_MpF8rASWVKqK1yKjCFs7AZiWt7ID-towgZAdO5gpAGcOVQr_
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Let's Work Together

Struggle alone. That's what I did for decades. I struggled with worry, depression, fear, and anxiety. I really thought there was no real way to improve the thoughts swirling in my mind in a way that would improve and bless my life and my family's life.
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