Which way are you going?
I often worried about which way to go and what to do. For decades my life was so
hard--emotionally, mentally, physically. God allowed me to have so many of my
prayers even though what I was doing was taking me further from the aligned
Success--how do you define it? What represents success to you?
I'll share mine--I want to do anything that God tells me to do.
I feel most successful when I have triumphed over fear and done what I know God
has called me to do that day.
With God
Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10)
The Holy Spirit is a gift to those who believe in Jesus.
Every relationship starts out shallow and grows over time. To begin to know
someone we listen, we talk, we become familiar with their presence.
God's word is a rich blessing of hard truths, beautiful truths, life, healing,
blessings, forgiveness, and judgement.
In our world the enemy uses extremes to break down the power of God's word.
If he can't get us not to believe then the next step
Confidence according to the dictionary means a state of being certain, a
relation of trust or intimacy.
How intimately do you know the word of God?
To know the word is to know God and to know His will.
One reason I encourage everyone to pray scripture is so that