Legacy--something received by an ancestor or predecessor.
Do you think about the legacy that you are creating right now and that you will
give to future generations?
We can either let the idea of a legacy fuel our actions or fuel overwhelm and
create stagnate dismissal of the blessings and
Joy, peace, love, light, gladness, protection, and forgiveness come to those who
embrace Jesus and learn to hate what God hates and love what God loves.
I first heard the affirmation: I love what God loves and I hate what God hates,
from Terri Savelle Foy. I started crafting my
I need reminders. I have a day planner, a digital calendar, an alexa, children
:-) and more.
The human mind is forgetful. I'm back in Exodus, I like to read through the
Bible from cover to cover for my personal morning time with God. It never ceases
Do you create trouble for yourself?
I didn't realize that my words and actions, based on my broken thoughts, were
creating trouble for myself. I created depression, anxiety, fear, anger,
distrust, and more inside my mind which created toxic relationships, financial
debt, hardship in my marriage, hardship in
Eternity, I can't even fully wrap my head around that concept.
Our God always was and always will be! And He wants you and me with Him forever.
God has designed you and me to rule and reign over the works of His hands. How
are you caring