What do you rely on?
I used to rely on advice from people who were no more spiritually mature than I
was. I relied on my past experiences to give me advice on my future choices and
We are trained by the world not to be creative. We are
How do we feel our emotions, pour them out, and then walk by faith?
Running from my emotions taught me that they just come back stronger and cause
me to react and act out of alignment with Jesus' call for Christians.
Sitting in my emotions, stewing on them, and
What words are you feasting on lately?
I used to feast on complaining, fearful, snarky, cursing, jealousy, and worldly
focused words. I typed them in Facebook posts, texts, said them out-loud and
inside my mind. What do you think the outcome of that was?
When we feast on the world&
Are you hurting your life?
For decades I wondered why my life was never the way I wanted it to go. I
wondered why I couldn't get happy and stay happy--that topic we'll unpack later.
I wondered why life always felt hard and hard things kept
What does God think of? What do you think of God?
I love Psalm 139--it's beautiful poetry of our God knitting together our soul,
creating the complex nature of our personality, gifts, talents, and future plans
that He wants for us.
If our God thinks of us CONSTANTLY