Have you thought of how to protect your blessings and to create a life of
prosperity in all respects?
I didn't know that I was throwing my blessings away for so many decades. I
lacked wisdom, discernment, and knowledge on God's word and will because I
Do you choose to change and grow through your hardships?
For decades I didn't change. I didn't clue into how God was calling out to me.
My heart was broken and hard. My mind and spirit were not sensitize to His voice
or promptings because I
It's Mother's day in the US right now.
No matter what you are going through. No matter what you have experienced as
woman, or a mother, or with your mother or without your mother--GOD SEES YOU!
> Genesis 16:13 Amplified Bible (AMP)
13 Then she
This world is beautiful, complex, interesting, dangerous, wonderful, broken....
Life never looks like one beautiful social media reel. It is messy then orderly
then chaotic then boring then happy then lonely then peaceful then harmful....
Our expectations of how our lives should look and be are a shackle that holds
I was foolish. I was searching for worth, value, love, and success in the wrong
people, places, and things.
> James 3:17
[https://classic.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+3:17&version=CJB] But
the wisdom from above is, first of all, pure, then peaceful, kind, open to