Are you in need of health, energy, strength, and vitality?
I used to not realize how much my mind and words effected my health, my energy,
my blessings, my relationships, and so on. I was so fixated on the swirling
broken thoughts in my mind that I was constantly exhausted,
I used to work to get things "right". I used to try and work at all the things
around me to get what I wanted--now I'm working on releasing the outcomes of my
circumstances into His hands.
Most of us work to manipulate others by crafting
I'm forgetful about a lot of things. Do you have a good memory?
I often wish my brain would remember things more easily like I see in some
people. But I remind myself that the human brain can't remember everything. So I
work with my brain,
What is your definition of success?
The world's definition of success is mixed with some good and a whole lot of
lies. Success the world's way is often selfish, manipulative, underhanded, and
The enemy loves to take what is good and twist it just enough
Do you ever get a funny feeling when talking to someone--a feeling like they
aren't truthful or transparent or authentic with you?
God wants our spirit's sensitized to Him and to know the intentions of those we
are talking with, working with, etc.
Discernment keeps us