What will happen if nothing changes in you and your life over the next 6 months
to a year?
Decades ago I heard God whisper in my mind to write about Him. I remember it so
clearly that I still feel a bit of shame that I ignored God and
Do you feel ready for the God-inspired and given dreams in your heart right now?
I love that God often used the least likely candidates to create massive impact
for His Kingdom agenda. And it's fascinating to really analyze their mindsets
and perspectives on themselves as God calls
How is your attitude and energy today toward yourself, God, and others?
I'll admit that I've been working through a lot of emotional struggles over the
last few months. I'm not sorry for my journey--though I'm not at the point of
Do you have healthy boundaries as you serve and work with others?
Are you pouring into yourself each morning and healing your mind and body so
that you can bless yourself and others?
God wants us healthy, healed, creative, and creating an abundance of blessings
from His word into our
What are you planning this week? What are your intentions and energy level to
create those goals and dreams?
Life is a series of mundane tasks, connections, and creation--we are creating
things every day from a simple breakfast to creating new relationships or
sustaining current ones.
Each of us God