Dear Lord thank You for our lives. Thank You for Your compassion and love.
Lord thank You for blessing us with children to raise. Lord Jesus please give us
creative, compassionate ways to raise, parent, and discipline our children
during this difficult time.
Lord help us to cultivate patience and
Let's start a gratitude journal during this time to keep our mind fixed on
growing our faith and God blessed eyes to see the provisions, blessings, and
miracles that He gives us each day.
You are beautiful, loved, chosen, and created for such a time as this.
We each have unique gifts that can be a blessing to all those around us. And we
each can shine the light of love during this time.
Let's energize our work with love, compassion, and
> []Bible
study and prayer
Posted by Bursting With Blessings
[] on Friday, March 20, 2020
Our desire to be present and to bring blessings to others resides within us.
The Holy Spirit is our guide to becoming a wise counsel that provides for others
and ourselves.
As we dig into the word today ask the Holy Spirit to grow your knowledge of the
word. Ask