Bursting with Blessings

How To Become Wise: Colossians 4:4

Our desire to be present and to bring blessings to others resides within us.

The Holy Spirit is our guide to becoming a wise counsel that provides for others and ourselves.

As we dig into the word today ask the Holy Spirit to grow your knowledge of the word. Ask for the Holy Spirit to grow a healthy love for others.

Jesus served in love but never backed down from speaking truth into every situation and every person's life.

Let's speak the word of God into our lives and grow in it.
Let's bring the words of Christ forward to others in love, compassion, and calm.

Let's pray: Dear Lord God thank You for Your word. Thank You Lord for growing and changing us day by day.

Please Lord use this time to grow us and transform us through Your word and Spirit.

Lord we long to be a blessing and to receive the blessings that come from deep growth and knowledge in You Lord Jesus.

All praise and glory to You forever Jesus! Amen

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