Is this time period showing you that you need a mindset shift?
Is this time a highlighting a need to develop a greater faith in God so that you
can create the life you want?
Come learn with me. Find what you need to create a life led by peace
Easter is just a few weeks away. Today's verses are a beautiful reminder of
God's great plan for each of us.
Today we have a blessed assurance in our Savior Jesus Christ. We have no weight
of sin and sadness now.
His great love and sacrifice
I love warrior women who fight for truth, justice, love, and mercy.
While we don't often get dressed in real armor--unless you serve in the
military/police/ect. (thank you for your service) we do need spiritual armor
every day.
I know that it feels strange to talk
Come learn with me. Find what you need to create a life led by peace and joy
instead of stress and strain.
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We have an opportunity now to start creating new habits that will carry through
to next year and the year after that.
During a time such as this, sometimes the caregivers can become drained.
Those of us who love to encourage and build up must also build ourselves up so
that we can keep giving in a positive, loving way and not a martyrdom, ego based
I might hit hard today