Honor--we bring honor to our Lord by our words, actions, and reactions ❤️🥰
While it can be easy to feel an overwhelm to know that our Lord is honored in us
and we in Him, He doesn't want us overwhelmed and then rendered frozen and
unchanged. Our Christ wants
We are created to do great works of love. Our words and actions each day are a
reflection our knowledge of scripture, our faith, and our trust in our Savior.
Let's endeavor today to bring our minds back to the word of God. Let's spend
Guide To Joy In Hard Times is just what we need right now.
I created this ebook for a time such as this. Grab some joy connection with God
Let your faith and love grow, increase, enlarge, and surpass all it has ever
Let's take time to think about others and their hurts today. Let's take time to
pray for those who are missing meals, needing rent, struggling on the street
with mental illness,
In a world full of conflicting information now more than ever we need to put
things to the test--we need to research, we need to pray about it, we need to
take a moment to pause and push our minds to think things through from several
Under stress we