Bursting with Blessings

Leading Ourselves & Valuing Ourselves: Bible Study & Prayer Time

> Leading Ourselves & Valuing Ourselves: Bible Study & Prayer Time [https://www.facebook.com/BurstingWithBlessings/videos/1615028668636654/]Leading Ourselves & Valuing Ourselves: Bible Study & Prayer Time Posted by Bursting With Blessings [https://www.facebook.com/BurstingWithBlessings/] on Friday, April 24, 2020 Woman Of Worth Video Bible Study Come
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Let's have coffee

https://mailchi.mp/6b450d58760a/make-it-to-the-weekend-praise-newsletter-791403 Here's this week's newsletter.  Let's have tea or coffee--on me.  Email me at burstingwithblessings@virg.org or message me on Instagram or FB My fav tea above is from www.myloyalteacompany.com [https://myloyalteacompany.com/]
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