How does our past impact our future?
How does our sin and those who sinned against us impact our decisions, choices,
and future?
While I sometimes bristle at the hard truth of the Bible--the sins we hold onto
make us easily lied to, abused more, and deceived.
The enemy knows
What attitudes and attributes do you think make for a good Christ-follower?
I use to have this skewed view of a docile, never angry woman who was constantly
working with a smile. I think the enemy uses perfection to shackle us, make us
feel discouraged and give up the goal
> Leading Ourselves & Valuing Ourselves: Bible Study & Prayer Time
Ourselves & Valuing Ourselves: Bible Study & Prayer Time
Posted by Bursting With Blessings
[] on Friday, April 24, 2020
Woman Of Worth Video Bible Study
Here's this week's newsletter. Let's have tea or coffee--on me. Email me at or message me on Instagram or FB
My fav tea above is from
Do you ever feel unworthy to ask for a raise or for a fair reimbursement for
what you do or make?
Women throughout time have been marginalized by the enemy whispering that we are
unworthy, not valuable or called to amazing things, unqualified, not intelligent
or creative, the list could