Ugly crying, I was sobbing on the phone with someone who didn't even know me.
I came into the online space over 3 years ago now. I knew I didn't want to live by fear anymore and I wanted to be in God's perfect will, not permissible will. After a series of events, I told God that I would do what He wanted and He reminded me that He told me to write about Him over and over again starting when I was 18 years old (I turn 45 next month). Yep, that's a lot of decades to tell God "No."
God didn't show me all that I would need to learn and go through to get to where I am today--or I certainly would have kept saying "No" ;-) But I see now, all that I needed to learn, all that I learned the hard way instead of choosing bold confidence and empowerment from Him and through Him, right from the start.
March of 2019 I was about to give up on the coaching arm of because I had ZERO clients! I was a mess. I wanted God's will and I needed income/profits/clients/SALES!
And then, as God often does, He connected me to one person who connected me with her. I was ugly crying. She was holding space for me, reassuring me that I could choose to just follow her videos and content or come into her coaching program. And I cried, "But I want to talk directly to you!"
I knew I needed to learn sales from her, have access to her helping me and my specific needs! Finally, here was a coach talking about SALES! Finally a coach that wasn't blowing smoke about how to create a 6 figure business.
I'd already tried other coaches, courses, and nothing was working. I was creating content daily! Going Live almost 3 times a week! Running FB ads! I was in debt and my business was on a path to failure.
I prayed. I took the leap. She didn't think I was crazy--though the ugly almost hysterical crying should have given her pause in taking me in ;-) And I learned. I listened. I tried. I kept rising along on a journey that seriously grew my confidence, my business knowledge, my sales knowledge, my ability to do what I thought was near impossible.
This is my journey. It's not over. I'll be learning, growing, expanding, serving, impacting, until the day I pass out of this world and into His arms to hear: Well done good and faithful servant.
I did my best grossing revenue in December. The diligence, the endurance, the perseverance, utilizing the resources, the support, the help I needed has created so much for me and those that I serve.
Where are you on your journey? What do you think is near impossible? What do you need help with right now? Come talk with me. Link arms with me. I promise no matter if you have zero clients or a hundred plus, I will empower you into the Kingdom impact and the profits that God has for you this year.
Message me and see if you are aligned to work with me. There's a chair at this table waiting for you.