What will you create today?
I see Mondays as a gift--a fresh start to realign my intentions and actions with God.
When building beautiful blessings and a legacy, we need to get into the dirt and excavate out the old thoughts and start laying down a foundation of new thoughts and new actions.
What bold action will you take to create your legacy--it can be something simple that you know in your heart will change everything?
Today look at your schedule and realign into the tasks that will grow you, your life, your business, your legacy of prosperity and blessings (and if you don't know what that is then let's talk today).
Verse of the day:
2 Corinthians 3:12 NASB
Therefore, having such a hope, we use great boldness in our speech,
Let's pray:
Dear Lord, we thank You for this day. We praise You for Your Holiness, love, mercy, wisdom, and sacrifice that You have given.
Lord please lead us to be bold in our action, speech, and creative energy. Please help us to persevere in all circumstances to create a bold and beautiful legacy of blessings for ourselves and all those around us.
We thank You Jesus for being our Good Shepherd that watches over us and leads us day by day. Please surround us with Your favor and protection. Please lead us into the tasks we need to accomplish with Your wisdom, power, and strength.
We thank You Lord being our God who sees us, loves us, and empowers us day by day.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen!